5 minute chat with Youki Onishi – Midnight Flowers and Sharps

Local business owners are such a big part of the community so we thought we do a series of quick fire Q&A’s with some of them while they are at work. We popped into have a quick chat with Youki who owns Midnight – Flowers & Sharps. Hope you enjoy reading a little about Youki.

How long have you lived in the Yarra Valley for Youki?

I have lived in the Yarra Valley for 8 years now.

What do you love most about living in the Yarra Valley?

I love the community here in Healesville where I live. I have two kids so I know that my kids are safe here in the community. I also love the vibrancy of the place. There is always something happening.

How long have you owned your business for?

I have owned Midnight – Flowers & Sharps since April 2019.

Can you tell me how came to own Midnight – Flowers & Sharp?

I had worked in this business 6 years ago when Bobby Lyn owned it. I had always loved this space and I kind of just dreamed I would own it one day. The opportunity to buy the business came up early last year and I took it.

I also own another business called Sugar Bee Flowers which specialises in wedding flowers. I have owned it for 12 years. I have a workshop in Coldstream that I use as a space to create the flowers for the weddings.

Where do you source your flowers from?

I like to buy my flowers locally in Silvan. I try to stay away from imported flowers.

I also like to support small local business as well and stock many talented makers items in my shop.

The list of local business that Midnight – Flowers & Sharps stock are:

What do you love most about running your own business?

I am a multi passionate person so I need to have variety in my life, otherwise I will always be searching for the next exciting thing. I love the lifestyle of being a florist. You get to work closely with the wedding clients and I also get to know the people that live in town, through delivering the flowers personally. I also love to hear stories about all the beautiful people in the community while I am working in the shop. 

One of the nicest things recently has been people sending flowers to their partners, neighbors, friends and family flowers, just to cheer them up or to give thanks during lockdown. It was really beautiful to be a part of that kindness that people showed each other during that tough time.

What is the hardest thing about running your own businesses?

I have two businesses and also being a single mum, I don’t have much time for myself. I am trying to practice a new work life balance, which I found during lockdown. 

What is the best piece of advice you would give to someone who is thinking of starting a business?

Just do it. You can always find excuses not to do something, so I think if you are passionate about something, have a go.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I loved it during lockdown when all the National Parks were almost empty. I would just go down for a walk at the dam or at Badgers Weir. I also love to take myself down to the beach.

What is your favourite food?

Chocolate or ice cream. I love anything sweet really.

What is your favourite drink?

Soy cappuccino in the morning and a nice glass of Pinot at night.

What is the best piece of advice that someone has given you Youki?

I am a single mum and a business owner, so when I was trying to buy a house, I felt it was out of reach for me. I really wanted to buy in Healesville but the prices were just climbing.

One day I was talking to a neighboring business owner in Coldstream, and I said to him “I really want to buy a house in Healesville but I don’t think I can. I think I’ll have to look at other suburbs as they are a more realistic option for me”. He said “Why? You work so hard, you work the most hours out of all the shops here. You deserve it”. That simple sentence switched something in my head, and I said “Yes I can”! I then ended up buying a house in Healesville, which is what I had dreamed of doing. That piece of advice changed my life.

Thank you Youki for giving us 5 minutes of your time and sharing a little bit about you and you business Midnight – Flowers & Sharp. It was lovely chatting to you.

About Noelene Davidson

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